在預約前,您需先做好心理準備:ACIC駐台宋代表一直把所有有緣進入ACIC台灣分公司的客戶,當作是自己的家人: 他堅持『講實話』、 『做實事』、 『不推銷、不強賣-SELL學校』給同學、而是以行銷的第一法則~滿足客戶的要求及需求,來提供同學最正確的訊息及留學規劃、創造同學最大的留學價值,立志做一股留學代辦業的清流。 所以他講話會很直接,用的文字彙比較刺目或刺耳,也許他會直接潑您冷水,也許他會直接了當的告訴您的留學計畫是不務實的,也許他會毫不留情的拒絕為您錯誤的讀書計畫背書,也許...... 嗯!真是歹勢!
想面對面聊一聊您的讀書計畫?不用客氣,立刻和宋大哥約時間~不論是寫 e-mail預約(註:宋大哥打字很慢喔!如您願意『饒』過他用粗肥手指敲字的懲罰,請在MAIL上留下您的 大名、聯絡電話及最佳聯絡時間, 如果您的郵件超過3個工作天沒有回應,那100%宋大哥收到的是亂碼,請您先不要急著咒罵他,再試一次吧!週六、日無法回覆您的郵件喔!感恩啊!)
Ida Tomoe from Japan, ACIC student, 1995
The Dream
To study at UTS, one of Australias most famous universities
The Challenge
Ida had already studied English for eight months at a language centre when she came to ACICs Sydney office in 1995. She wanted to study a Bachelor of Business at UTS, but her existing academic qualifications and English results did not meet the UTS entry requirements.
The Process
When we designed the pathway for Ida, we took the fact that she had already studied English for eight months into consideration. Although she could continue the English course to improve her English level, it would not enhance her academic qualifications. We aimed to improve her language and academic skills at the same time. We arranged for her to study a Diploma of Business course at one of the best business colleges in Sydney whose English and academic teaching standards would be recognised by universities.
1995 Enrolled at a business college, Diploma of Business, Marketing (1 year)
1996 Enrolled at a university, Bachelor of Commerce, Marketing
1997 Transferred to UTS, second year Bachelor of Business, Marketing
1999 Graduated from UTS, Bachelor of Business
2000 Graduated from UTS, MBA
The Outcome
With Bachelor of Business and MBA degrees from one of Australias leading universities, Ida is now working at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Japan.
The comment from the student
When I first came to ACIC, I wasn't able to get into the university I wanted, and I wasnt sure which school would be suitable for me. ACIC offered me valuable advice, helped me with all my applications, and most importantly, got me into the university I wanted. Now I am working for PWC in Japan and applying the knowledge and experience I had gained during my time in Sydney. I am really satisfied with all I have accomplished. My study plan would not have worked as smoothly or been as rewarding without ACIC. The quality of information ACIC gave me, their strong relationships with the universities, and their high creditability in the industry helped me considerably. I strongly believe that ACIC has played an important part in my success and would like to thank them very much for their ongoing support.
Ida Tomoe
Following Ida's success, her sister also applied through ACIC to study in Australia.
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