






Visa Conditions ~ Looking after a Student Visa


The mandatory conditions 

8105 工作限制

You cannot work more than 40 hours per fortnight* when your course is in session (other than work which has been registered as a part of the course). Note: No work limits apply during recognised periods of vacation offered by your education provider. You cannot undertake work until you have commenced your course in Australia. *A fortnight means any period of 14 days commencing on a Monday and ending at the end of the second following Sunday.

8202 需就讀於澳大利亞政府註冊的課程 

You must remain enrolled in a registered course (unless you are a Foreign Affairs or Defence sponsored student or secondary exchange student in which case you must maintain full-time enrolment in your course of study or training). Note: A registered course is one that is on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS). See: CRICOS You must maintain satisfactory attendance in your course and course progress for each study period as required by your education provider.

  • 保證出勤率~ 至少80%的上課出勤率 (遲到、病事假等都視為缺席曠課)。
  • 考試一定要合格~ 所上的語言或專業課程必須成績合格,包括考試成績、平時成績、論文成績等。

第一學期:4科被當3科/3科被當2科~ Probation 留校察看

第二學期:4科被當3科/3科被當2科~ Suspension 退學

  • 轉學需注意~ 變更專業或學校,在主課開始的最初6個月裡,或者在長度少于6個月的課程結束前,不得更換你所就讀的教育機構。假如你決定更換教育機構,一般原教育機構需要開具釋放信(release letter)。更換學校一定要得做到原學校同意轉學,新學校同意接收。在獲得新的學校發出的注冊錄取確認書的7天之內,通知你原來的教育機構。更換學校,如無特殊原因不可以任意自行更換學校,更換學校必須得到雙方學校的同意。


  • 注意個人行為~學生不可以任意違反學校規定。

8501 必須持有國際學生醫療保險 


You must maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance during your stay in Australia. Note: Under policy, this means that you must maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

8533 更換住處一定要告知 


You must notify your education provider of your residential address in Australia within 7 days of arriving in Australia. You must notify your education provider of any change in your residential address within 7 days of the change. You must notify your education provider of a change of education provider within 7 days of receiving the electronic Confirmation of Enrolment certificate or evidence of enrolment. 

8516 就讀的課程需為成在同一類別

You must continue to satisfy the requirements for grant of your student visa. This means, for example, that your main course of study must continue to be a course in the education sector that matches your student visa, and that you must continue to have sufficient financial capacity to support your study and stay in Australia. For further information on the implications of changing courses: See: Information on changing courses

8517 須為5歲以上孩童安排妥教育學習

You must maintain adequate schooling arrangements for your school-age dependents who joined you in Australia on a student dependent visa for more than 3 months.

8532 未滿18歲者需安排兒童福利

If you have not turned 18 you must maintain adequate arrangements for your accommodation, support and general welfare for the duration of your stay in Australia. To maintain adequate arrangements for welfare you must stay in Australia with:

your parent or legal custodian or a relative who has been nominated by your parents or custodians who is aged over 21 and is of good character or accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements that have been approved by your education provider.

Note: You must not change those arrangements without the written approval of your education provider.
If your welfare arrangements are approved by your education provider you must not travel to Australia until your welfare arrangements are due to commence.



禁止持簽人有危及或威脅任何個人的活動,或者對澳洲社區和澳洲社區內的團體造成破壞 性或暴力威脅的活動。

8304 條款:




The Discretionary conditions 依簽證類別規定有所不同

8101 (For all)

You cannot work in Australia. Note: You can apply for a new Student visa with Permission to Work when you have arrived in Australia and commenced your course. See: Working While Studying

8203 (For 573/574/576)

You must not change your course, or your thesis or research topic, unless the department has granted approval.

8204 (For 570/571/572/575)

You must not undertake or change a course, or a thesis or research topic for a: graduate certificate, graduate diploma, masters degree, doctorate or a bridging course required as a prerequisite to a course of study or research for a master degree or a doctorate unless the department has granted approval.

8303 (For all)

You must not become involved in any activities that are disruptive to, or in violence threaten harm to, the Australian community or a group within the Australian community.

8523  (For all)

Your family unit members must not leave Australia later than you.

8534 (For All except 576)

You are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, other than:

a Student visa with Permission to Work ~ Note: if you apply for and are granted Permission to Work, this will change only the work conditions on your student visa, all other conditions will remain the same including 8534

a Graduate-Skilled (subclass 497) visa

a further Student Guardian visa or

a visa to engage Australia's obligations under the 1951 United Nations convention relating to the status of refugees.

Note: The effect of this visa condition is that, except in extremely limited circumstances, it will not be possible for you to remain in Australia beyond the date authorised by your visa.

8535 (For All except 576)

You are not entitled to be granted a further substantive visa, other than:

a Student visa with permission to work~~ Note: if you apply for and are granted permission to work, this will change only the work conditions on your student visa, all other conditions will remain the same including 8535

a Student visa that is supported by the sponsoring government agency or

a visa to engage Australia's obligations under the 1951 United Nations convention relating to the status of refugees.

Note: The effect of this visa condition is that, except in extremely limited circumstances, it will not be possible for you to remain in Australia beyond the date authorised by your visa.




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