UNSW新南威爾斯大學 Bachelor of Aviation (FlYING)
學費 +飛行訓練費用:約澳幣133500起
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for UNSW
Do I need a medical certificate to be a pilot? 我需要通過體檢才能成為機師嗎?
在 澳洲,要成為一位機師,是需要取得一級飛航健康證書~~這是由澳洲的Designated Aviation Medical Examiner 及 Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist來核發的。由於澳洲收緊法規,Australian Aviation Medical Examinations核發的Aviation Reference Number (ARN)已經不再被承認。海外學生同時需要通過ICAO的英文評估測驗。
Why Maths and Physics are important in Aviation? 為何數學及物理是如此重要?
澳洲航空執行長 Alan Joyce 在2010年4月21日的一個雪梨商會上指出,澳洲航空的最大挑戰,就是機師的『數學及物理科學背景』~不只是在操作飛行器,甚至運用到管理層級:例如統計引擎失靈的比例、乘客重複訂位,甚至是盈餘控管。所以UNSW十分強調高等數學、工程數學、物理、安全管理、經濟管理的重要性。
Will I need an interview? 我需要面試嗎?
Do I need to have flown before? 我需要有飛行經驗嗎?
不需要的。Although it is probably a good idea to have a trial flight before deciding you want to train to be a pilot! The School of Aviation encourages students who have no previous flying experience to undertake a Trial Instructional Flight (TIF). These are available at all flying schools. The idea is that the student should gain an appreciation of the nature of flying before considering full-time study and training. This will let you get a feel for the controls and the exciting opportunity that awaits. A Class 1 Medical examination should also be undertaken with a Designated Aviation Medical Examiner.
Will an airline offer me a job immediately on graduation?
For Flying Students - unlikely. This is because pilots are expected to 'get their hours up' which has traditionally meant instructing or charter work. In Australia, young pilots will often 'go bush' i.e. fly in the outback for several months or years to get experience. Whilst this is generally not highly paid, it can be a lot of fun. Major airlines may start to takes pilots on with a minim of 500 command hours.
What makes UNSW Aviation different ? UNSW的課程有何不同?
A number of other Universities in Australia offer studies in Aviation. We believe we are the best, for a number of reasons. Above all, we pride ourselves on strict and exacting standards. As a consequence a degree from UNSW is highly valued by potential employers. We own our own aircraft and flying operations unit; our flying training is controlled by our own staff to ensure the highest standards. Our teaching is based on experience and qualification and is in keeping with UNSW's International reputation for excellence. We are the only "Australian Great Eight' University to offer Aviation.
Why bother doing a degree to be a pilot ?為何當機師要讀學士學位?
It is true that you don't need a degree to be a pilot. Indeed, you don't need a degree to set up an airline and make million as individuals like Sir Richard Branson have proved! However, for most of us, the choice to do a degree is about doing something that separates us from the competition. Around the world, more pilots are getting a degree as well as their flying licences and airlines look favourably upon such well-rounded individuals. It makes a lot of sense to have a wider understanding of the industry you intend to be part of, and in later life it will particularly help when going for Command or Management positions.
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