






以偏遠地區Suni TAFE 廚師課程為例:

Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery 78週

Diploma of Hospitality 26週



C4 Compulsory Units

  • SITXHRM301 Coach others in job skills
  • SITXHRM402 Lead and manage people
  • SITXMGT401 Monitor work operations
  • SITXWHS401 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
  • SITHPAT306 Produce desserts
  • BSBSUS301A Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
  • SITXINV202 Maintain the quality of perishable items
  • SITHKOP403 Coordinate cooking operations
  • SITXFSA201 Participate in safe food handling practices
  • SITHCCC307 Prepare food to meet special dietary requirements
  • SITHCCC202 Produce appetisers and salads
  • BSBDIV501A Manage diversity in the workplace
  • HLTAID003 Provide first aid
  • SITHCCC101 Use food preparation equipment
  • SITHCCC201 Produce dishes using basic methods of cookery
  • SITHCCC203 Produce stocks, sauces and soups
  • SITHCCC204 Produce vegetable, fruit, egg and farinaceous dishes
  • SITHCCC301 Produce poultry dishes
  • SITHCCC302 Produce seafood dishes
  • SITHCCC303 Produce meat dishes
  • SITHCCC308 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
  • SITHCCC309 Work effectively as a cook
  • SITHKOP302 Plan and cost basic menus
  • SITHKOP402 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
  • SITXCOM401 Manage conflict
  • SITXFIN402 Manage finances within a budget
  • SITXFSA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety

C4 Electives

  • SITXWHS101 Participate in safe work practices
  • SITHFAB206 Serve food and beverage
  • SITHPAT304 Produce yeast based bakery products
  • SITHCCC207 Use cookery skills effectively
  • BSBSUS201 Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
  • BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others
  • SITHKOP101 Clean kitchen premises and equipment
  • SITHPAT301 Produce cakes
  • SITHPAT302 Produce gateaux, torten and cakes
  • SITHPAT303 Produce pastries
  • SITHPAT305 Produce Petits fours

Diploma Compulsory Units

  • SITXGLC501 Research and comply with regulatory requirements
  • SITXHRM402 Lead and manage people
  • SITXMGT401 Monitor work operations
  • SITXMGT501 Establish and conduct business relationships
  • SITXWHS401 Implement and monitor work health and safety practices
  • SITXHRM401 Roster staff
  • SITXCCS401 Enhance the customer service experience
  • BSBMGT515A Manage operational plan
  • BSBDIV501A Manage diversity in the workplace
  • SITXCOM401 Manage conflict
  • SITXCCS501 Manage quality customer service
  • SITXFIN402 Manage finances within a budget
  • SITXFIN501 Prepare and monitor budgets

Diploma Electives

  • BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
  • BSBFIM601 Manage finances
  • SITXHRM503 Monitor staff performance
  • SITXWHS601 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system
  • SITHPAT306 Produce desserts
  • BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
  • SITHKOP403 Coordinate cooking operations
  • SITHPAT304 Produce yeast based bakery products
  • SITXHRM501 Recruit, select and induct staff
  • SITXMPR502 Develop and implement marketing strategies
  • SITXFSA201 Participate in safe food handling practices
  • SITHCCC302 Produce seafood dishes
  • SITHCCC303 Produce meat dishes
  • SITHCCC308 Produce cakes, pastries and breads
  • SITHCCC309 Work effectively as a cook
  • SITHKOP302 Plan and cost basic menus
  • SITHKOP402 Develop menus for special dietary requirements
  • SITHPAT301 Produce cakes
  • SITHPAT302 Produce gateaux, torten and cakes
  • SITHPAT303 Produce pastries
  • SITHPAT305 Produce petits fours
  • SITXFIN601 Manage physical assets
  • SITXFSA101 Use hygienic practices for food safety

跟大家分享我一位SUNI TAFE 客戶的『競賽得獎- 業餘組銅牌』的好消息~~學校經理特地修書通知~我與有榮焉:

Congratulations to Suni TAFE Hospitality student F-A (John) Tsai on your win at the 『Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph 2016』.

John was awarded 3rd place in the Amateur section and received a medal, a certificate as well as a cash prize. A fantastic achievement ! Thanks to Tamara Bosely for supporting John.



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George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 02 9286-3799

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預約專線:02 2331-2362
諮詢專線:02 2370-2669

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諮詢專線:04 2230-9801


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