Speech Professionals and Audiologists
言語和聽力專家提供聽力障礙方面的診斷評估和恢復性訓練服務,評估和治療病人交流障礙及飲食吞咽相關的身體疾病。 Provide diagnostic assessment and rehabilitation services related to human hearing defects, and assess and treat people with communication disorders and physical problems associated with eating and swallowing.
職業都要求具有與學士學位或更高資格相當的技能水準(ANZSCO 1級水準)。需要註冊或執照。 In Australia and New Zealand: Occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).Registration or licensing is required.
• 進行一系列的聽力測試,檢測聽力功能,確定問題的原因 administering and interpreting a wide range of audiometric tests to determine hearing efficiency and locate sites of detected hearing problems
• 根據其他醫療、社會和行為診斷資料解釋聽力測試結果 interpreting audiometric test results alongside other medical, social and behavioural diagnostic data
• 評估病人整體反應模式,進行聲學測試,區分器官和非器官的聽力受損情況 evaluating total response pattern and acoustic tests to distinguish between organic and non-organic hearing loss
• 計畫、指導並參與輔導、語音朗讀等康復計畫 planning, directing and participating in counselling, speech reading and other rehabilitation programs
• 規定病人採用適當的助聽器 prescribing appropriate hearing aids and instructing patients in use
• 對病人進行測試、觀察,確定病因 administering tests and observing patients to determine nature and extent of disorders
• 規劃和進行康復訓練課程,改善病人異常,例如口吃和發音異常 planning and conducting programs of remedial exercise to correct disorders such as stuttering and abnormal articulation
• 進行由聽力受損、大腦性麻痹、手術和受傷而導致的個人和群體的交流障礙的康復治療 administering individual and group therapy for rehabilitation of patients with communication problems caused by defective hearing, cerebral palsy, surgery and injury
• 為有講話障礙的兒童提出治療建議 advising on treatment for children with difficulties in learning to speak
• 為有語言障礙的人的家庭、老師和雇主提供諮詢和指導 counselling and guiding language-handicapped individuals, their families, teachers and employers
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George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 02 9286-3799
台北分公司 (近台北車站)
預約專線:02 2331-2362
諮詢專線:02 2370-2669
台中分公司 (近進化路麥當勞)
預約專線:04 2230-9819
諮詢專線:04 2230-9801
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Acic Taiwan
ACIC 台北分公司 100 台北市中正區忠孝西路1段72號2F 統編:27189293 TEL:02 2370-2669 (恕無電話及現場諮詢)
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ACIC 澳洲總公司 Level 5 HSBC Centre, 580 George St., Sydney 2000 NSW TEL:02 9286 3799 ABN:23070212645
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