221111 會計師(普通) / Accountant (general)
在機構與個人的財務往來方面制定計劃並提供財務服務,對財務記錄和規章制度提供建議。需要註冊或工作許可。Plans and provides systems and services relating to the financial dealings of organisations and individuals, and advises on associated record-keeping and compliance requirements. Registration or licensing is required.
221111 會計師(普通)職位別名
- 221111 財務分析師 Financial Analyst
- 221111 破產顧問 Insolvency Consultant
- 221111 破產執行人 Insolvency Practitioner
- 221111 會計師(普通)技術等級 Skill level
221111 會計師(普通)的技能等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
221111 會計師(普通)職業評估:
- CPAA - 澳洲註冊會計師協會 Certified Public Account Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門課。
- ICAA - 澳洲特許會計師協會 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9 門課。
- IPA - 澳洲會計師協會 Institute of Public Accountants ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門。
221111 會計師(普通)Tasks
- assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies
- preparing financial statements for presentation to boards of directors, management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
- conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertaking audits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses, mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
- examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
- providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
- providing financial and taxation advice on business structures, plans and operations
- preparing taxation returns for individuals and organisations
- liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish funds management arrangements
- introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on the selection and application of computer-based accounting systems
- maintaining internal control systems
- may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects
221112管理會計師 / management accountant
管理會計師負責計畫、評估和管理會計制度和程式,分析機構需要的財務資訊,在財務計畫和風險管理方面提供建議,並為管理提供財務報告並協助決策。深入瞭解成本效益,對會計基準的實施和完善提供支援。需要提供註冊或工作許可。 Plans, reviews and administers accounting systems and procedures, analyses the financial information needs of organisations, provides advice on financial planning and risk management, and provides management with reports to assist in decision-making. May provide insight into cost performance and support the implementation of benchmarking and improvement initiatives.
221112 管理會計師職位別名
- 221112 管理會計師 Management Accountant
- 221112 Carbon Accountant
- 221112 成本會計師 Cost Accountant
- 221112 產品會計師 Product Accountant
221112 管理會計師技術等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
221112 管理會計師職業評估
- CPAA - 澳洲註冊會計師協會 Certified Public Account Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門課。
- ICAA - 澳洲特許會計師協會 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9 門課。
- IPA - 澳洲會計師協會 Institute of Public Accountants ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門。
221112 管理會計師 Tasks
- assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies
- preparing financial statements for presentation to boards of directors, management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
- conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertaking audits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses, mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
- examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
- providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
- providing financial and taxation advice on business structures, plans and operations
- preparing taxation returns for individuals and organisations
- liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish funds management arrangements
- introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on the selection and application of computer-based accounting systems
- maintaining internal control systems
- may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects
221113稅務會計師 / taxation accountant
稅務會計師負責對機構或個人的稅務問題進行分析,報告並提供建議,準備稅收收益方面的報告,並處理與稅務機關的糾紛。可能需要註冊或工作許可。Analyses, reports and provides advice on taxation issues to organisations or individuals, prepares taxation returns and reports, and handles disputes with taxation authorities.Registration or licensing may be required.
221113 稅務會計師職位別名
- 221113 稅務代理 Taxation Agent
- 221113 稅務顧問 Taxation Consultant
221113 稅務會計師技術等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
221113 稅務會計師職業評估
- CPAA - 澳洲註冊會計師協會 Certified Public Account Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門課。
- ICAA - 澳洲特許會計師協會 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9 門課。
- IPA - 澳洲會計師協會 Institute of Public Accountants ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門。
221113稅務會計師 Tasks
- assisting in formulating budgetary and accounting policies
- preparing financial statements for presentation to boards of directors, management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
- conducting financial investigations, preparing reports, undertaking audits and advising on matters such as the purchase and sale of businesses, mergers, capital financing, suspected fraud, insolvency and taxation
- examining operating costs and organisations' income and expenditure
- providing assurance about the accuracy of information contained in financial reports and their compliance with statutory requirements
- providing financial and taxation advice on business structures, plans and operations
- preparing taxation returns for individuals and organisations
- liaising with financial institutions and brokers to establish funds management arrangements
- introducing and maintaining accounting systems, and advising on the selection and application of computer-based accounting systems
- maintaining internal control systems
- may appraise cash flow and financial risk of capital investment projects
221213 外審 / External Auditor
負責設計並運行資訊和報告系統、程式和控制措施使其滿足外部財務報告的要求。需要註冊或工作許可。Designs and operates information and reporting systems, procedures and controls to meet external financial reporting requirements. Registration or licensing is required
221213 外審職位別名:無
221213 外審技術等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
221213 外審職業評估:
- CPAA - 澳洲註冊會計師協會 Certified Public Account Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門課。
- ICAA - 澳洲特許會計師協會 The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9 門課。
- IPA - 澳洲會計師協會 Institute of Public Accountants ~ A類雅思7777,學歷等同於澳大利亞學士學位或更高,完成12門核心課程中的9門。
221213 外審 Tasks
- arranging, giving notice of and attending meetings of directors and shareholders
- advising organisations' governing boards on matters concerning compliance with stock exchange listing rules, relevant legislation and corporation practice
- supervising organisations' share capital by preparing documents and share issues, and handling share transfers
- controlling treasury and treasury systems and establishing and reviewing risk management objectives and treasury policies
- identifying, managing and reporting on financial risks
- assisting with equity management, debt management, securities and taxation planning issues
- collecting, analysing and interpreting information on the financial standing, cost structures and trading effectiveness of organisations
- devising, re-organising and establishing budgetary cost control and other accounting systems such as computer-based systems
- conducting audits and investigations and preparing financial statements and reports for management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
- evaluating the cost effectiveness and risks of operational processes, activities, policies and systems
- reporting to management on the existence and effectiveness of the system of internal controls
- establishing audit objectives, and designing and implementing audit methodologies, processes and audit report criteria