ACS ~ M清單專業
- 需讀ACS認可的學士或碩士課程
- 畢業後,持485 PSW完成一年相關工作經驗、或完成一年職業年
- 送職業評估
- 憑職業評估完成信,送EOI申請
職業1:261111 ICT Business Analyst 商業分析師
261111 ICT商業分析師,負責與用戶交流,並制定生產需求的企劃書,來建立系統和軟體解決方案。Identifies and communicates with users to formulate and produce a requirements specification to create system and software solutions.
261111 ICT商業分析師職位別名
- 261111 商務系統分析員(資訊與通信技術) BA (ICT)
- 261111 業務諮詢師(資訊與通信技術) Business Consultant (ICT)
- 261111 業務系統分析員 Business Systems Analyst
261111 ICT商業分析師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 與用戶一起制定和記錄業務需求 working with users to formulate and document business requirements
- 識別,調查和分析業務流程,程序和工作實踐 identifying, investigating, and analyzing business processes, procedures and work practices
- 識別和評估低效率並推薦最佳業務實踐,系統功能和行為 identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system functionality and behaviour
- 使用專案管理方法,原理和技術來製定項目計劃以及對項目進行成本,資源和管理 using Project Managementmethodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost, resource and manage projects
- 負責部署功能解決方案,例如創建,採用和實施系統測試計劃,以確保可接受的系統質量和完整性 taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system
- 創建用戶和培訓文檔,並進行正式培訓課程 creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes
- 開發功能規範以供系統開發人員使用 developing functional specifications for use by system developers
- 使用數據和過程建模技術為設計和開發系統軟件創建清晰的系統規範 using data and process modeling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and development of system software
- 充當中央參考和信息源,在系統項目決策過程中提供指導和幫助 acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system project decision making process
261111 ICT業務分析師相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 商業信息系統或商業智能 Business Information Systems or Business Intelligence
- 業務流程再造或業務系統規劃 Business Process Reengineering or Business System planning
- 企業架構-(企業資源管理,新興技術)Enterprise Architecture - (Enterprise Resource Management, Emerging Technologies)
- 專家系統 Expert Systems
- 資訊系統管理或資訊系統 Information System Management or Information Systems
- 管理資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 面向物件系統設計 Object Oriented System Design
- 面向物件系統分析 Object Oriented Systems Analysis
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 系統設計 System Design
- 系統開發 System Development
- 系統整合 System Integration
- 系統模組 System Modeling
- 系統分析 Systems Analysis
- 統一模組化語言 UML
- 用戶需求定義 User Requirements Definition
261111 ICT業務分析師評估附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 演算法設計(演算法開發) Algorithm design (Algorithm development)
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 電腦科學Computer Science
- 統籌方法 Critical Path Method
- 資料庫設計或資料庫實施 Database design or Database implementation
- 資料庫管理系統(關聯式資料庫,物件導向資料庫,關聯式資料庫管理系統)Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)
- 文件處理 File Processing
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學)Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 資訊系統導論 Introduction to Information Systems
- 程式設計語言(C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar) Programming - (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制(品質保證,軟體品質) Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 軟體驗證(軟體測試、測試策略和方法)Software validation - (Software Testing, Testing strategies and methods)
- 網路工程(網頁設計,網路工程) Web Engineering - (Web Design, Internet Engineering)
261111 ICT商業分析師技能等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
261111 ICT商業分析師職業評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業2:261112 Systems Analyst / 系統分析師
系統分析師負責評估現有資訊與通信技術系統中運用的流程和方法,並提出修訂程式、增加額外的系統元件或直接開發新系統以滿足使用者在說明書和其他文檔中的需求。Evaluates processes and methods used in existing ICT systems, proposes modifications, additional system components or new systems to meet user needs as expressed in specifications and other documentation.
261112 系統分析師職位別名:無
261112 系統分析師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 與用戶合作起草業務需求文檔 working with users to formulate and document business requirements
- 識別、調查和分析業務流程、程式和工作實踐 identifying, investigating, and analyzing business processes, procedures and work practices
- 識別並評估效率低下現象,推薦最佳業務實踐、系統功能和行為 identifying and evaluating inefficiencies and recommending optimal business practices, and system functionality and behavior
- 使用專案管理的方法、原則和技術,開發成本、資源和管理項目的計畫 using Project Managementmethodologies, principles and techniques to develop project plans and to cost, resource and manage projects
- 負責部署功能的解決方案,如創建、採用和實施系統測試計畫,確保系統品質和完整性 taking responsibility for deploying functional solutions, such as creating, adopting and implementing system test plans, which ensure acceptable quality and integrity of the system
- 創建用戶文檔和培訓文檔,進行正式的培訓課程 creating user and training documentation, and conducting formal training classes
- 開發功能規範供系統開發人員使用 developing functional specifications for use by system developers
- 使用資料和流程建模技術,為系統軟體的設計和開發建立明確的系統規範 using data and process modeling techniques to create clear system specifications for the design and development of system software
- 作為一個核心參考和資訊來源,在系統專案決策過程中,提供指導和幫助 acting as a central reference and information source, providing guidance and assistance in the system project decision making process
261112 系統分析師相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 企業資訊系統或商業智慧 Business Information Systemsor Business Intelligence
- 業務流程再造或企業系統規劃 Business Process Reengineering or Business System planning
- 企業架構(企業資源管理,新興技術) Enterprise Architecture - (Enterprise Resource Management, Emerging Technologies)
- 專家系統 Expert Systems
- 資訊系統管理或資訊系統 Information System Management or Information Systems
- 執行資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 物件導向系統設計 Object Oriented System Design
- 物件導向系統分析 Object Oriented Systems Analysis
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 系統設計 System Design
- 系統開發 System Development
- 系統集成 System Integration
- 系統建模 System Modeling
- 系統分析 Systems Analysis
- 統一模組化語言 UML
- 用戶需求定義 User Requirements Definition
- 261112 系統分析師ACS評估附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 演算法設計(演算法開發) Algorithm design (Algorithm development)
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 電腦科學 Computer Science
- 統籌方法 Critical Path Method
- 資料庫設計或資料庫實現 Database design or Database implementation
- 資料庫管理系統(關聯式資料庫,物件導向資料庫,關聯式資料庫管理系統)Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)
- 文件處理 File Processing
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學)Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 資訊系統導論 Introduction to Information Systems
Programming - (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制(品質保證,軟體品質) Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
- 軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 軟體驗證 Software validation - (Software Testing, Testing strategies and methods)
- 網路工程(網頁設計,網路工程) Web Engineering - (Web Design, Internet Engineering)
261112 系統分析師員技術:ANZSCO Skill Level 1。
261112 系統分析師評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 3:261311 Analyst Programmer / 程式分析師
Analyses user needs, produces requirements documentation and system plans, and encodes, tests, debugs, maintains and documents programs and applications.
261311 程式分析師職位別名
- 261311 程式分析師 Programmer Analyst (A)
261311 程式分析師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 研究、商議、分析和評估系統程式需求。researching, consulting, analysing and evaluating system program needs
- 識別現有系統和相關的流程、程式和方法中的技術的局限性和缺陷 identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods
- 用已有的測試協定、指南和品質標準,對程式設計語言進行測試、調試、診斷和改正錯誤,以確保程式和應用程式按規範執行 testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming language within established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards to ensure programs and applications perform to specification
- 按照品質認證標準,編寫和維護滿足系統需求、系統設計和技術規格的程式碼 writing and maintaining program code to meet system requirements, system designs and technical specifications in accordance with quality accredited standards
- 編寫、更新和維護技術程式、最終使用者文檔和操作程式 writing, updating and maintaining technical program, end user documentation and operational procedures
- 對軟體設計活動的建議書和策略,如財務評估和成本核算,提供建議、指導和專業知識 providing advice, guidance and expertise in developing proposals and strategies for software design activities such as financial evaluation and costing for recommending software purchases and upgrades
261311 程式分析師專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 演算法設計和開發 Algorithm design and development
- 編譯工具(編譯器構造,編譯器理論) Compilers - (Compiler Construction, Compiler Theory)
- 資料結構 Data structures
- 形式語言-(形式化方法,函數程式設計)Formal languages - (Formal Methods, Functional Programming)
- 物件導向程式設計 Object Oriented Programming
- 作業系統(Unix,Linux,Xenix, Network OS) Operating systems - (Unix, Linux, Xenix, Network OS)
- 程式設計語言(C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar) Programming - (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)
- 軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 測試策略和方法(軟體測試) Testing strategies and methods - (Software Testing)
261311 程式分析師附加專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 企業資訊系統 Business Information Systems
- 電腦科學 Computer Science
- 統籌方法 Critical Path Method
- 資料庫設計或資料庫實現 Database design or Database implementation
- 資料庫管理系統(關聯式資料庫,物件導向資料庫,關聯式資料庫管理系統) Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)
- 專家系統 Expert Systems
- 文件處理 File Processing
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 資訊系統Information Systems
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學) Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 資訊系統導論 Introduction to Information Systems
- 執行資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 物件導向系統設計 Object Oriented System Design
- 物件導向系統分析 Object Oriented Systems Analysis
- 物件導向技術 Object oriented technologies
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制(品質保證,軟體品質)Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 軟體確認(軟體測試) Software validation - (Software Testing)
- 語言結構 Structure of languages
- 系統分析或系統設計 Systems Analysis or System Design
- 系統程式設計 Systems Programming
- 用戶需求定義 User Requirements Definition
- 網路工程(網頁設計,網路工程) Web Engineering - (Web Design, Internet Engineering)
261311 程式分析師技術等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
261311 程式分析師評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 4:261312 Developer Programmer / 開發程式師
開發程式師負責解釋技術規格,技術設計和流程圖;為應用軟體構建,維護並修訂代碼;為業務功能模型中設計技術規範;測試、編寫技術文檔。Interprets specifications, technical designs and flow charts, builds, maintains and modifies the code for software applications, constructs technical specifications from a business functional model, and tests and writes technical documentation.
261312 開發程式師職位別名
- 261312 應用程式開發師 Applications Developer
- 261312 資訊與通信技術開發師 ICT Developer
- 261312 資訊與通信技術程式師 ICT Programmer
- 261312 通信系統程式師 Communications Programmer (Systems)
- 261312 資料庫開發師 Database Developer
- 261312 資料庫系統程式師 Database Programmer (Systems)
- 261312 網路程式師 Network Programmer
- 261312 軟體發展師 Software Developer
- 261312 軟體程式師 Software Programmer
261312 開發程式師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 研究、諮詢、分析和評估系統程式的需求 researching, consulting, analyzing and evaluating system program needs
- 識別現有系統和相關的流程、程式和方法中的技術的局限性和缺陷 identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods
- 用已有的測試協定、指南和品質標準,對程式設計語言進行測試、調試、診斷和改正錯誤,以確保程式和應用程式按規範執行 testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming language within established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards to ensure programs and applications perform to specification
- 按照品質認證標準,編寫和維護滿足系統需求、系統設計和技術規格的程式碼 writing and maintaining program code to meet system requirements, system designs and technical specifications in accordance with quality accredited standards
- 編寫、更新和維護技術程式、最終使用者文檔和操作程式 writing, updating and maintaining technical program, end user documentation and operational procedures
- 對軟體設計活動的建議書和策略,如財務評估和成本核算,提供建議、指導和專業知識 providing advice, guidance and expertise in developing proposals and strategies for software design activities such as financial evaluation and costing for recommending software purchases and upgrades
261312 開發程式師專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 演算法設計和開發 Algorithm design and development
- 編譯工具(編譯器構造,編譯器理論) Compilers - (Compiler Construction, Compiler Theory)
- 資料結構 Data structures
- 形式語言-(形式化方法,函數程式設計) Formal languages - (Formal Methods, Functional Programming)
- 物件導向程式設計 Object Oriented Programming
- 作業系統-(Unix,Linux,Xenix, Network OS)Operating systems - (Unix, Linux, Xenix, Network OS)
- 程式設計語言(C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar) Programming - (C, C++, Objective C, Visual C, Basic, Visual Basic, Java, Assembler, Cobol, Pascal, PL/1, Fortran, PHP, Pearl, AS3, FoxPro, and similar)
- 軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 測試策略和方法-(軟體測試) Testing strategies and methods - (Software Testing)
261312 開發程式師附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 企業資訊系統 Business Information Systems
- 電腦科學 Computer Science
- 統籌方法 Critical Path Method
- 資料庫設計或資料庫實現 Database design or Database implementation
- 資料庫管理系統(關聯式資料庫,物件導向資料庫,關聯式資料庫管理系統)Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)
- 專家系統 Expert Systems
- 文件處理 File Processing
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 資訊系統 Information Systems
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學)Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 資訊系統導論 Introduction to Information Systems
- 執行資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 物件導向系統設計 Object Oriented System Design
- 物件導向系統分析 Object Oriented Systems Analysis
- 物件導向技術 Object oriented technologies
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制(品質保證,軟體品質)Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 軟體確認(軟體測試) Software validation - (Software Testing)
- 語言結構 Structure of languages
- 系統分析或系統設計 Systems Analysis or System Design
- 系統程式設計 Systems Programming
- 用戶需求定義 User Requirements Definition
- 網路工程(網頁設計,網路工程) Web Engineering - (Web Design, Internet Engineering)
261312 開發程式師技術:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
261312 開發程式師評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 5:261313 Software Engineer / 軟體工程師
軟體工程師負責設計、開發、修訂、記載、測試、執行、安裝應用軟體和系統。Designs, develops, modifies, documents, tests, implements, installs and supports software applications and systems.
261313 軟體工程師職位別名
- 261313 軟體架構師 Software Architect
- 261313 軟體設計師 Software Designer
- 261313 電腦應用工程師 Computer Applications Engineer
- 261313 資料庫設計師 Database Designer
- 261313 系統架構師 Systems Architect
261313 軟體工程師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 研究、諮詢、分析和評估系統程式的需求 researching, consulting, analyzing and evaluating system program needs
- 識別現有系統和相關的流程、程式和方法中的技術的局限性和缺陷 identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods
- 用已有的測試協定、指南和品質標準,對程式設計語言進行測試、調試、診斷和改正錯誤,以確保程式和應用程式按規範執行 testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming language within established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards to ensure programs and applications perform to specification
- 按照品質認證標準,編寫和維護滿足系統需求、系統設計和技術規格的程式碼 writing and maintaining program code to meet system requirements, system designs and technical specifications in accordance with quality accredited standards
- 編寫、更新和維護技術程式、最終使用者文檔和操作程式 writing, updating and maintaining technical program, end user documentation and operational procedures
- 對軟體設計活動的建議書和策略,如財務評估和成本核算,提供建議、指導和專業知識providing advice, guidance and expertise in developing proposals and strategies for software design activities such as financial evaluation and costing for recommending software purchases and upgrades
261313 軟體工程師專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 演算法設計和開發 Algorithm design and development
- 編譯工具 Compilers
- 資料結構 Data structures
- 形式語言 Formal languages
- 作業系統 Operating systems
- 電腦程式設計(應用程式或系統)Computer Programming (application or system)
- 軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 測試策略和方法 Testing strategies and methods
- 261313 軟體工程師ACS評估附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 企業資訊系統 Business Information Systems
- 業務流程再造 Business Process Reengineering
- 電腦科學 Computer Science
- 資料庫設計 Database design
- 資料庫實現 Database implementation
- 電子商務 e-Commerce
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 商業資訊系統入門 Introduction to BIS
- 資訊通信技術入門 Introduction to ICT
- 執行資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 物件導向技術 Object oriented technologies
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制 Quality management
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 軟體確認 Software validation
- 系統設計 System Design
- 系統分析 Systems Analysis
- 網頁工程 Web engineering
261313 軟體工程師技能等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
261313 軟體工程師評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 6:261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec
261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec 職責要求 Employment Duties
- 研究,諮詢,分析和評估系統程式需求 researching, consulting, analysing and evaluating system program needs
- 識別現有系統以及相關流程,過程和方法中的技術局限性和缺陷 identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods
- 在已建立的測試協議,準則和質量標準內對應用程式編程語言中的錯誤,故障進行測試,調試,診斷和糾正,以確保程式和應用程式符合規範 testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming lanugage within established testing protocols, guidelines and quality standards to ensure programs and applications perform to specification
- 根據質量認證標準編寫和維護程式代碼,以滿足系統要求,系統設計和技術規範 writing and maintaining program code to meet system requirements, system designs and technical specifications in accordance with quality accredited standards
- 編寫,更新和維護技術程式,最終用戶文檔和操作程式 writing, updating and maintaining technical program, end user documentation and operational procedures
- 在製定軟體設計活動的建議和策略時提供建議,指導和專業知識,例如財務評估和推薦軟體購買和升級的費用providing advice, guidance and expertise in developing proposals and strategies for software design activities such as financial evaluation and costings for recommending software purchase and upgrades
261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec 專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 演算法設計和開發 Algorithm design and development
- 編譯工具 Compilers
- 資料結構 Data structures
- 形式語言 Formal languages
- 作業系統 Operating systems
- 電腦程式設計(應用程式或系統)Computer Programming (application or system)
- 軟體工程 Software Engineering
- 測試策略和方法 Testing strategies and methods
- 261313 軟體工程師ACS評估附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 人工智慧 Artificial intelligence
- 自動控制原理 Automata theory
- 企業資訊系統 Business Information Systems
- 業務流程再造 Business Process Reengineering
- 電腦科學 Computer Science
- 資料庫設計 Database design
- 資料庫實現 Database implementation
- 電子商務 e-Commerce
- 人機交互 Human Computer Interaction
- 商業資訊系統入門 Introduction to BIS
- 資訊通信技術入門 Introduction to ICT
- 執行資訊系統 Management Information Systems
- 物件導向技術 Object oriented technologies
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制 Quality management
- 需求收集 Requirements gathering
- 軟體確認 Software validation
- 系統設計 System Design
- 系統分析 Systems Analysis
- 網頁工程 Web engineering
261399 Software and Applications Programmers nec 評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 7:262112 ICT Security Specialist / 資訊和通信技術安全專家
資訊和通信技術安全專家負責建立,管理並執行機構的資訊與通信技術安全性原則與程式,使用正確的預防與補救方法將安全威脅風險降到最低值。 Establishes, manages and administers an organisation’s ICT security policy and procedures to ensure preventive and recovery strategies are in place, and minimise the risk of internal and external security threats.
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家職位別名
- 262112 安全管理員 Security Administrator
- 262112 資訊技術安全經理 Information Technology Security Manager
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家職責要求 Employment Duties
- 設計和維護資料庫的體系結構、資料結構、表、字典和命名規則,確保所有資料主文件的準確性和完整性 designing and maintaining database architecture, data structures, tables, dictionaries and naming conventions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of all data master files
- 執行備份、恢復程式、安全性和完整性控制的預防性維護 performing the operational establishment and preventive maintenance of backups, recovery procedures, and enforcing security and integrity controls
- 實施和管理資料庫文檔、指南、政策和程式 implementing and administering database documentation, guidelines, policies and procedures
- 根據已經認可的品質測試腳本、程式和流程,測試資料庫系統和升級,比如調試、跟蹤、複製、日誌記錄和解決所有已被確定的問題 testing database systems and upgrades, such as debugging, tracking, reproduction, logging and resolving all identified problems, according to approved quality testing scripts, procedures and processes
- 承擔與系統安全與災難恢復計畫相關的過程、程式和操作管理責任 accepting responsibility for the processes, procedures and operational management associated with system security and disaster recovery planning
- 與安全廠商、供應商、服務提供者和外部資源聯絡;分析、建議、安裝和維護軟體安全應用;性能監控合同條款、交付效果和服務水準協定 liaising with security vendors, suppliers, service providers and external resources; analyzing, recommending, installing and maintaining software security applications; and monitoring contractual obligations, performance delivery and service level agreements
- 發現並修理故障,並且提供服務支援,在與伺服器相關的硬體軟體故障、圍繞工作站通信設施的故障的診斷、解決和維修方面 troubleshooting and providing service support in diagnosing, resolving and repairing server-related hardware and software malfunctions, encompassing workstations and communication infrastructure
- 準備和維護文檔、政策和說明,記錄和詳述操作規程和系統日誌 preparing and maintaining documentation, policies and instructions, and recording and detailing operational procedures and system logs
- 確保電腦網站的設計相容所有元件,監測和調整網路的性能 ensuring that the design of computer sites allows all components to fit together and work properly, and monitoring and adjusting the performance of networks
- 不斷測量當前電腦網站,以確定未來的網路需求,提出建議改進未來的伺服器和網路實現 continually surveying the current computer site to determine future network needs and making recommendations for enhancements in the implementation of future servers and networks
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 電腦法庭取證 Computer forensics
- 資料加密 Data Encryption
- 資料庫設計 Database design
- 資料庫實現 Database implementation
- 資料庫管理系統(關聯式資料庫,物件導向資料庫,關聯式資料庫管理系統)Database Management Systems - (Relational Database, Object Oriented Database, RDBMS)
- 資訊安全 Information security
- 資訊系統安全 Information Systems security
- 網際網路 Internet and the Web
- 網路取證技術 Internet forensics
- 網路安全 Network security
- 作業系統-(Unix,Linux,Xenix, Network OS)Operating systems - (Unix, Linux, Xenix, Network OS)
- 網路安全 Web security
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 客戶伺服器技術 Client Server Technology
- 電腦網路 Computer networks
- 統籌方法 Critical Path Method
- 資料通信 Data Communications
- 數據政策 Data policy
- 資料結構 Data structures
- 分散式系統 Distributed Systems
- 文件處理 File Processing
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學)Introduction to ICT - (Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 品質管制(品質保證,軟體品質)Quality management - (Quality Assurance, Software Quality)
- 測試策略和方法 Testing strategies and methods
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家技能等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1 。
262112 資訊和通信技術安全專家評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 8:263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer / 電腦網路和系統工程師
電腦網路和系統工程師負責設計、開發、部署、測試並優化網路系統服務;負責網路系統的配置管理,特別是多個作業系統的環境配置;提供故障查找和故障排除服務。Plans, develops, deploys, tests and optimises network and system services, taking responsibility for configuration management and overall operational readiness of network systems, especially environments with multiple operating systems and configurations, and provides troubleshooting and fault-finding services for network problems.
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師職位別名
- 263111 電腦網路工程師 Computer Network Engineer
- 263111 電腦系統整合員 Computer Systems Integrator
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師職責要求 Employment Duties
- 在電腦系統的開發、配置和集成中,分析、開發、解釋和評價複雜的系統設計和體系結構規範、資料模型和圖表 analyzing, developing, interpreting and evaluating complex system design and architecture specifications, data models and diagrams in the development, configuration and integration of computer systems
- 研究、分析、評估和監測網路基礎設施,以確保網路配置運行狀態最佳 researching, analyzing, evaluating and monitoring network infrastructure to ensure networks are configured to operate at optimal performance
- 評估並推薦網路操作和集成的硬體、軟體、通信和作業系統的改進 assessing and recommending improvements to network operations and integrated hardware, software, communications and operating systems
- 提供專業技術支援和檢修網路問題和緊急情況 providing specialist skills in supporting and troubleshooting network problems and emergencies
- 安裝、配置、測試、維護和管理新網路和升級網路、軟體資料庫應用程式、伺服器和工作站 installing, configuring, testing, maintaining and administering new and upgraded networks, software database applications, servers and workstations
- 提供網路程式設計支援特定的業務需求和需求 providing network programming in support of specific business needs and requirements
- 準備和維護網路庫存程式和文檔,記錄網路故障的診斷結果和解決方法,改進和修改網路和維護說明 preparing and maintaining procedures and documentation for network inventory, and recording diagnosis and resolution of network faults, enhancements and modifications to networks, and maintenance instructions
- 監控網路流量、網路活動、網路容量和用途,以保持最佳網路性能 monitoring network traffic, and activity, capacity and usage to ensure continued integrity and optimal network performance
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師專業相關性要求 Closely Related Core ICT Units
- 電腦通信 Computer Communication
- 電腦網路設計 Computer Network Design
- 電腦網路管理 Computer Network management
- 電腦網路程式設計 Computer Network programming
- 電腦網路通訊協定 Computer Network protocols
- 資料通信(WAN,LAN) Data communications - (WAN, LAN)
- 移動技術 Mobile technologies
- 作業系統(Unix,Linux,Xenix, Network OS) Operating systems - (Unix, Linux, Xenix, Network OS)
- 無線技術(無線通訊,微波通信) Wireless technologies - (Wireless Communication, Microwave Communication)
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師附加的專業相關性要求 Additional Closely Related ICT Units
- 組合語言(組合語言程式) Assembler Languages - (Assembler Programming)
- 客戶機/伺服器相關的硬體和軟體 Client / Server related hardware and software
- 電腦體系結構 Computer Architecture
- 電腦邏輯設計 Computer Logic Design
- 計算機組成 Computer organization
- 數位與信號處理 Digital and signal processing
- 數位電路(VLSI設計,積體電路設計) Digital circuits - (VLSI Design, Integrated Circuit Design)
- 數碼科技 Digital technology
- 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論、電腦理論、商業電腦導論、電腦科學) 資訊和通信技術導論(電腦科學導論,電腦理論,企業電腦導論,電腦科學)Introduction to ICT - Introduction to Computer Science, Computer Theory, Introduction to Business Computing, Computer Science I)
- 微處理器 Microprocessors
- 微波技術 Microwave technology
- 網路元件技術 Network Component technologies
- 網路安全 Network security
- 光通信技術 Optical communication technology
- 週邊設備和介面 Peripherals and Interfacing
- 專案管理 Project Management
- 衛星通信 Satellite communications
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師技能等級:ANZSCO Skill Level 1
263111 電腦網路和系統工程師評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;
職業 9:261211 Multimedia Specialist / 多媒體製作專家
將電腦動畫,音頻,視頻和圖形、圖像、文件創建和處理為多媒體程序,以創作成CD-ROM,信息站,多媒體展示,網站,行動電話資源,電子遊戲環境,電子商務和電子安全等解決方案的數據和內容,以及娛樂和教育產品。 Creates and manipulates computer animation, audio, video and graphic image files into multimedia programs to produce data and content for CD-ROMs, information kiosks, multimedia presentations, websites, mobile telephone resources, electronic gaming environments, e-commerce and e-security solutions, and entertainment and education products.
261211 Multimedia Specialist 職位別名
- Electronic Game Developer
- Multimedia Developer
- Multimedia Programmer
261211 Multimedia Specialist 職責要求 Employment Duties
- 分析,設計和開發結合了藝術性和創造力以及軟件編程和腳本語言以及與操作環境相連接的Internet網站 analysing, designing and developing Internet sites applying a mixture of artistry and creativity with software programming and scripting languages and interfacing with operating environments
- 使用多媒體軟件,工具和實用程序,交互式圖形和編程語言設計和開發數字動畫,影像,演示文稿,遊戲,音頻和視頻剪輯以及Internet應用程序 designing and developing digital animations, imaging, presentations, games, audio and video clips, and Internet applications using multimedia software, tools and utilities, interactive graphics and programming languages
- 與網絡專家就安全性和託管網站等與Web有關的問題進行溝通,以控制和實施Internet和Web服務器的安全性,空間分配,用戶訪問,業務連續性,網站備份和災難恢復計劃 communicating with network specialists regarding web-related issues, such as security and hosting websites, to control and enforce Internet and web server security, space allocation, user access, business continuity, website backup and disaster recovery planning
- 設計,開發和集成計算機代碼與其他專用輸入,例如圖像文件,音頻文件和腳本語言,以生成,維護和支持網站 designing, developing and integrating computer code with other specialised inputs, such as image files, audio files and scripting languages, to produce, maintain and support websites
- 協助分析,制定和製定互聯網策略,基於Web的方法論和發展計劃 assisting in analysing, specifying and developing Internet strategies, web-based methodologies and development plans
261211 Multimedia Specialist 評估:ACS - 澳大利亞電腦協會 Australian Computer Society
- ACS職業評估不需要雅思;
- 畢業後一年相關工作經驗或職業年證書;
- 評估有效期2年;
- 評估需要至少12周;