
常見的醫學系MMI:Multiple Mini Interview面試問題 







  • 類型1:道德情景問題 
  • 類型2:MMI角色發展問題
  • 類型3:MMI角色扮演問題
  • 類型4:MMI團隊合作問題

Sample MMI Question 1 : Station set up:

The interviewer is sitting across from you, on the table there is a wrapped up box. You are asked to instruct the interviewer on how to unwrap and open the box, without helping them or using your hands. It’s not straight forward as the examiner will be using no assumed knowledge and will be doing what you tell them only, e.g. ‘lift up that flap’¦ starts lifting up wrong flap,  ‘Turn the box around’¦ turns box in wrong direction. (This station is testing your communication skills and your patience.)

Sample MMI Question 2 Station set up:

An actor hands you a card, telling you that, in this role play, you are a close friend of theirs. You have been house-sitting whilst ‘your friend’ has been on holiday and you have to explain to them that you broke their favourite ornament. When informed, the actor becomes hysterical and very angry. (This station is testing your communication skills, ability to give bad news, your empathy and willingness to admit to your mistakes.)

Sample MMI Question 3 Station set up:

The interviewer asks a question: what ethical principle of medicine would you consider to be most important? (This station is simply testing your knowledge of the various ethical principles and checking that you appreciate their importance when making decisions.)

Sample MMI Question 4 Station set-up:

You are told that you are entering a hospital staff room 10 prior to performing surgery with Dr ‘X’. As you enter, you see Dr ‘X’ take a swig of a clear drink from a bottle and quickly close their locker, which you suspect is alcohol. Over the course of the conversation, the Dr beings to forget things and slur their words. You have 5 minutes to speak to Dr ‘X’. (This station is primarily testing your ability to make value judgments regarding patient safety.One of the big attributes being tested in this station is the ability to approach emotive situations sensitively and sympathetically.) 


  • 英文口說、聽力及書面的溝通技巧。
  • 情緒EQ智力的控制:移情,同情,尊重、尊嚴。
  • 面對問題及快速應變、解決問題能力。
  • 讀書的動機。
  • 團隊合作的能力。
  • 被團隊領導和追隨的能力。
  • 了解自己的侷限性
  • 尋求協助的能力。


  • 進入醫學學習的準備
  • 了解醫學職業的意義
  • 了解醫學相關的經驗
  • 概述以往經驗中的所有學習要點
  • 反思自己和他人的技能和能力差距
  • 檢驗對他人照顧的潛在貢獻及能力。
  • 自由,連貫地表達想法的能力
  • 如何利用現有知識,對未知領域做出解答的能力
  • 理性論點和發表意見的能力
  • 為解決問題準備的程度
  • 討論優點和缺點的能力
  • 讀書動機,畢業承諾,反向思考,和敏感性問題思考的程度 


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George Street Sydney NSW 2000
Tel : 02 9286-3799

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諮詢專線:02 2370-2669

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預約專線:04 2230-9819
諮詢專線:04 2230-9801


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